tirsdag den 18. juni 2013

Paris Hilton caught!

Paris Hilton arrested; trying to steal a bunch of dogs!

Finally, after several days on the run, Paris Hilton has been aprehended by the law. She was caught outside of "Manny's Doggy-Style", a pet shop on Sunset Boulevard, earlier this morning, with several stolen puppies!

Happy Paris, minutes before arrest!

Paris seemed to be in complete an utter denial about her legal troubles, and was in a "pretty good mood", an onlooker says. That is, until she was put in handcuffs and taken away by officers.

"Can I just keep one, just one!" Paris hollered, as police officers dragged her away. The stolen puppies are safe and back at Manny's, according to owner Manny "Dawg" StiefelSchnabel.

Stealing puppies might be the least of miss Hilton's legal troubles at this point. Something tells us it's probably not going to help her case though. She is, as previously reported: the main suspect in a disturbing case regarding organized animal prostitution! 

Paris will be presented in a court of law later today. 

Stay tuned.... 

For more info on the affair go: here & here.


Paris just arrived in court, looking like this:

Gurl ain't helpin' herself......

Everything on this blog is complete and utter B.S. Every picture is photoshopped and/or manipulated in some way. Should anything collide with reality, it would be purely coincidential.  No harm or malice is intended. This is purely made as a humourous comment on tabloid absurdity.

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